"Without dreams, we reach nothing. Without love, we feel nothing and without Allah we are nothing"

Thursday 16 April 2015

Final exam is around the corner

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

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Like it or not, final exams are just around the corner.
 It’s never to early to start studying! How prepared will you be?
i had some tips to share ㋛

1. Start early

Preparation for finals begins even BEFORE the actual week of final exams.
 You cannot cram an entire semester's worth of information into one or two nights of studying.
 Get started long before the Monday of finals week.Think of finals week as finals weeks.

2. Sleep

You need at least four hours of sleep a night to function.
 If you are sleep deprived, you won't be able to comprehend (or answer) 
the challenging questions you will face.

3. Focus on your note

If you are 23 chapters behind in your reading for a class,
don't spend the night before the final trying to read the material for the first time.
 Unless the lecturer has clearly stated that the book covers different content
than the lecture and that it will be covered on the test,
 you're better off focusing on your notes (assuming you have been to class).

4. Hide

Study in an out-of-the-way place.
As tempted as you are to study with your friends,
 you're best bet is to find a place of your own where you can think.
 Avoid the mass hysteria at the student center and
flee from people wanting to borrow your notes.

5. Stop cramming five minute before the test

Use this time before the test to relax, catch your breath,
and take a minute to get focused.
By cramming until the last 30 seconds before you sit down to take the exam,
 you will more than likely just confuse yourself or
 walk into a wall trying to read and get to your desk.

6. Stay calm during the test.

If at first glance, the test is overwhelming, remember to breathe!
 Do not panic. If you don't know the answer to a question,
 move on to the next question and come back later.
 Remind yourself that you are well prepared, and take the exam one question at a time.
 You will gain momentum by answering the easy questions first 
and you will do better by keeping your head in the game.

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